More LotR! Yes, it’s true,

More LotR!
Yes, it’s true, this entry will also be focussing on Lord of the Rings. What a shocker.
Saw the film last night with Jen and John. His first time, her fourth. My sixth. Yes, I rule. We ran into a couple people we know, and they pointed out that I’ve spent a total of about 18 hours watching this film now. I said it was time well spent, though, and they had no real reply to that. Hah!
Jen pointed out yet again that Pip isn’t exactly the kind of guy I usually go for; she’d expected me to dig Saruman or someone like that.
It occurs to me that I do dig Saruman and a lot of the other characters. It’s just that Pip, for whatever reason, totally eclipses them. Here’s an approximate ranking of the guys in the film, ranked by how frequently they make me cheer/drool/go “YEAH!” in the theater. This is adjusted for screen-time, by the way. I spend almost all of Saruman’s limited time enthusing about him.
The Hand of Saruman

  1. Pip (duh)
  2. Saruman (evil, cool voice, cool hands – see right)
  3. Legolas (sooo pretty)
  4. Gandalf (just cool. And cranky.)
  5. Aragorn (babe. And a great fighter)
  6. Sam (brave, loyal, and funny)
  7. Boromir (babe, good fighter)
  8. Frodo (cute)
  9. Merry (funny, and hangs with Pip)
  10. Gimli (funny, good fighter)
  11. Elrond (Hugo Weaving. ’nuff said)
  12. Everybody else.

I think that’s about right.
It was a trip seeing the film with someone who’d read The Very Secret Diaries. Jen and I kept whispering to each other and cracking ourselves up. Tried not to do it too much, but couldn’t help ourselves.
We’ve decided to rent the DVD and MST3K it in the privacy of her or my living room so we won’t have to feel guilty about howling with laughter.
Yes, I’ll be doing another character ramble soon. Honest.

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