Friday Five

This week’s Friday Five, very late because I had a loooooong (but fun) weekend. :).

1. Who is your favorite celebrity?
Hm… I’m not sure I have one, honestly. I have actors and authors and musicians I’m a big fan of, but … um … yeah. Although I will confess that Michael Rosenbaum is the schiznit. I gotta make a fan page for that guy. He’s very down to earth, very nice in person (I hear) and has a real sense of humor about appearing in drag, considering that he’s a Straight White American Male TM.

2. Who is your least favorite?
Not sure I have one, for the same reasons as above.

3. Have you ever met or seen any celebrities in real life?
Gosh, yeah. Between various conventions and living in LA for four years, I sure have. :) Lemme think… Andre Braugher, the guy who played Bashir on DS9, most of the secondary characters from “The X-Files,” Samuel L. Jackson, Queen Latifah, Peter Coyote, and Liev Schreiber… the list goes on.

4. Would you want to be famous? Why or why not?
Hm… probably not. I generally don’t do well being accosted by random people, especially if I’m in a foul mood. Although I will confess that I wouldn’t mind having a cult following, or being an Internet Rock StarTM like Antwon.

5. If you had to trade places with a celebrity for a day, who would you choose and why?
Hm… someone with a lot of money. I mean a lot. I’d give myself $2million or so in bonds and never work again. Why? Because I’m a lazy biotch who’d rather putter around online and write than do actual work to earn a living.

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