I wish Joss Whedon would leave Marvel alone

Yes, I loved The Avengers. A lot. Even though Joss couldn’t bring himself NOT to kill off a beloved character.

But oh look! He’s brought that character back to life in a new tv show!

I was all excited until I discovered what that meant: Joss Whedon is showrunner and one of the writers for “Agents of SHIELD.”

And THAT means, given how few canon characters he’ll be using, that he can do whatever the fuck he wants.

And that means I am not watching that show.

I love Agent Coulson to bits, I adore him, but I am not in any kind of mental headspace to let Joss “I Made The Audience Cry That Means I’m A Good Writer” Whedon anywhere near my media intake.

Maybe I’ll get lucky and it’ll go the Firefly route, get cancelled before he has a chance to Whedon it up. THEN I can safely watch it without risking my mental health (Whedon provokes a unique blend of self-hatred, heartbreak, and loathing in me, and that’s not a healthy place  to go).

I’m not holding my breath.

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