30 Days of Lists: Day 5!

Today’s list: Favorite Fictional Couples!

Oooo fun! In no particular order:

  • Gomez and Morticia AddamsGomez and Morticia Addams have long been my ideal couple, and will probably stay that way.
  • Abigail Wendover and Miles Calvery in Georgette Heyer’s “Black Sheep.” I love Heyer’s regencies, they are the only romances apart from Jane Austen that I can stand, and I generally adore them.
  • Speaking of Austen: Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy in “Pride & Prejudice.”
  • Leslie Knope and Ben Wyatt from “Parks & Recreation” on NBC. Seriously, they have one of the sweetest and best relationships on TV, and I adore them. ADORE.
  • They are followed closely by April and Andy, on the same show. They’re a couple who really complement each other and bring out the best in each other, and it’s awesome.
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