The Avengers

The Avengers

“The Avengers” has been a long time coming. Starting with the post-credits scene in 2008’s “Iron Man” and through the four following movies (“The Incredible Hulk,” “Iron Man 2,” “Thor,” and “Captain America”), expectations around this film have been building slowly but surely. There was a lot riding on this, and it does not disappoint.

The Cabin in the Woods

The Cabin in the Woods

Some movies lend themselves to reviewing, and some don’t. Last week’s “Lockout” was a straightforward flick to write up. “The Cabin in the Woods” is anything but — it has a very specific, narrow audience and you’re either in it or you’re not. If you are, you probably know it already and saw the flick the day it opened. If you aren’t, then you don’t really need me to tell you to avoid it.