The Empire

This is an interesting article. Go read it, then come back.
Ok. Well. It’s a great article with a number of good points, but I have to take issue with one of them. Arguing that the destruction of Alderaan is all right because Leia is an unreliable informant and could be lying about it being peaceful doesn’t work. If my memory serves, the only reason Tarkin threatened to destroy it in the first place was to force Leia to name the sytem of the main Rebel base. He knew it wasn’t on Alderaan, he only threatened the planet because it was Leia’s home world.
Sure, there were probably rebel sympathisers on it, but saying that makes the destruction all right is like saying it’s okay that US soldiers executed whole villages in Viet Nam because there were probably VC sympathizers in them. Grrr.
Otherwise, great article! As a staunch Imperialist, I have to approve.

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