PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.03

This week’s Friday Five.

  1. Friday I wrote about “People I Can Do Without.” How about adding to the list with a few people you can live without?
    Hee. There are plenty of those, starting with a bunch of politicians and ending with a number of right-wing religious leaders.
  2. Have you ever felt like someone truly respected you? What does being respected mean to you personally?
    Yeah, I have, and it’s weird – I’m always torn between being kinda puffed up by it and being really worried that I don’t deserve it. Either way it’s good – makes me feel better and/or drives me to be better.
  3. In (past or current) relationships, what is the “one thing” your partner would change about you if they could?
    I don’t know… I haven’t been in a sufficiently long relationship to find out. :-\
  4. Have you ever tried to change who you are to please someone? How did that turn out?
    Yeah. It didn’t work.
  5. Do you believe in love at first sight? Can it really happen?*(Question courtesy of Fadi)
    Yeah, I do. Haven’t quite had it happen yet (although I’ve been in lust at first sight a number of times and love at second sight a couple times).
  6. Today is “Martin Luther King Jr. Day” in the United States. King’s non-violent protests against unequal treatment of African-American people led to radical change in America, and ultimately, his assassination in 1968. How have Rev. King’s accomplishments impacted or influenced your life?
    Hm… his civil rights work is an inspiration to anyone who feels civil rights are important. Not sure what else to say. I’m a white female, so I haven’t been directly influenced by his triumphs.
  7. In America, our President declared yesterday to be “National Sanctity of Life Day.” While it enacts no change in policy or program, it does allow our country’s leader to make a declarative statement about abortion. How do you feel when you hear about a government taking a position such as this?

    Dear GOD. I hadn’t heard about this, and almost wish I hadn’t heard at all. That enrages me like few other things The Shrub has done. Life is indeed sacred, which is why I personally feel that life should not be brought into being where it is not going to be cared for. And from a purely scientific standpoint, the planet is already overcrowded and things are only going to get worse. Surely benevolent reduction of live births is a good thing. And anyway, he has no right to decide what women do with their own bodies. I’m in the camp that firmly believes a baby isn’t a baby until it can survive outside the mother. Until then it’s a parasite with potential. Gah.
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