Sorry to shout, but I’m just so happy to have a blog again.
The full story of why I’ve been underground for so long is a loooooooooong one, which I don’t really have time to relate right now. I just have time to make the following points:

  1. I’m back!
  2. I’m back thanks to Antwon and his Twonsoft hosting.
  3. I am STOKED to be back.
  4. I will soon be moving my entire site onto the Twonsoft servers and renaming everything so you can use your old bookmarks. In the meantime, please use this. I’ve got forwarding set up at my old address, as you’ve prolly noticed.

So… yeah. More info to follow. Sorry for the template, I’m gonna have to rebuild my old one pretty much from scratch, which will take a while. Bear with me. :)

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