Dogs are fine. It’s their owners that piss me off.

Now, don’t get me wrong. I kind of like dogs. And I know several dog owners who are rational and cool people.
But some jackass in our neighborhood keeps letting his dog poop in our yard and I have about had it. Seriously. I came home after a long, lousy day and just wanted to put my feet up. Instead, I got to spend 15 minutes cleaning dog crap off my shoe and off the carpet because I neglected to check my shoes for crap after running out to my car to grab my phone (which I’d left behind by accident).
I remembered to check my shoes for crap the first time but not the second, so I had to clean up where I’d tracked fragrant dog crap all over our carpet and the floor of my bedroom.
I am so angry right now I am nearly seeing red.
There has to be a way to get these dogs to quit pooping on our yard. I don’t really hold it against the dogs – dogs poop on walks. They do. It’s natural. But if their owners aren’t going to clean up after them, I want these dogs to poop somewhere else.
Suggestions? Short of hiding with a pressure hose and spraying every dog who comes near our yard, I mean.

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