Friday Five!

I’m back on the Friday Five bandwagon! Go me!

  1. What’s the one movie you’ve seen more times than any other?
    Wow, I don’t know. I’ve seen plenty of movies tons of times. I saw “Terminator 2” 11 times in theaters. “Last of the Mohicans” 10. I think I saw “The Fellowship of the Ring” something like 12 times, but am not 100% sure.

  2. If you could turn one book, comic book or other print story into a feature-length movie, what story would you pick and why?
    Ooooh, hard one. Probably “Those Who Hunt the Night” by Barbara Hambly. It is a totally awesome vampire story.

  3. Whom would you cast?
    Hm… for James, some unknown British guy who looks noble but cunning. If I could get the gal who played Irena Adler in Jeremy Brett’s Sherlock Holmes series for James’ wife, that would rule. No idea for Don Simon – it would be all about the actor’s charisma.

  4. What one movie would you like to see “updated for the year 2005”? (Ie, a remake)
    I am not fond of remakes. Feh.

  5. What one movie are you most looking forward to this year?
    Not sure. In general, I am looking forward to “Star Wars III”, “The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy,” the new “Harry Potter,” and “Kung Fu Hustle.” I was really looking forward to “Sin City” too, but it’s out now (my review is here
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