Good reading

I was recently led back to by this post over at Dark_Christian. I seem to remember reading Elroy’s stuff a while back, but reading it again it really hit home. Between the gradual erosion of abortion rights and the recent surge of born-again Christians in federal government, his essays seem very timely.
One of the very most useful is How to Fight the Religious Right, which also serves as a useful way to navigate many of his other essays. He used to be a fundamentalist Christian, so he has plenty of Biblical citations to support his claims. For example, he points out that the only mention of abortion in the Bible is Exodus 21:22-25, where a miscarriage caused by a man striking a woman is clearly considered of little importance except as the loss of a commodity (the eventual child). Plus, elsewhere in the Bible, (Leviticus 27:6 and Numbers 3:15) infants less than a month old don’t count as human, let alone fetuses!
I also appreciated his essays on his gradual loss of faith and eventual relationship with the Christian church. I’m still struggling with my own opinions on that front, and reading the experiences someone so rational is utterly fascinating.

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