
Damn you, Emusic! I was doing so well getting on with my music sorting project, but now I’ve gone and downloaded nearly a hundred more songs from you! ARGH!!!! *headdesk*
Albums downloaded today:

  • PJ Harvy, Dry
  • Burning Brides, Leave No Ashes
  • Brain Donor, Brain Donor
  • Clannad, Dulaman
  • Joan Jett and the Blackhearts, Fetish
  • John Lee Hooker, Boom Boom
  • Mediaeval Baebes, The Rose
  • The Coup, Party Music

So now I have more music, yay, but at the same time I am a lot further from finishing the damn sorting project – which I really want to have done asap so I can have all the newly sorted music on my Neuros when I fly out for Annie’s wedding next week (NEXT WEEK OMGWTF HOW DID IT GET TO BE THAT SOON AUGH!).
Oh, well. If all else fails, I’ll use some half-assed hack to finish. Like labelling all the ones I haven’t sorted yet as “uncategorized” or something. Yeah.

How To Make Russian Tea – this guide, written for hackers, is awesome. I have got to try this method as soon as I am allowed tea again. It reminds me of how my Dad makes coffee.
And now, in the TMI category:
Amber Rhea asks A Provocative Question: why do women find two guys together erotic? Now, it’s true that not all women are into that, but it seems like a lot are. I’m one of the latter, so I was interested. Her basic response boils down to this:

Personally? I would tend to agree with Sara in this comment: “watching people enjoy and revel in their sexuality is hot.” … [I]n instances when I do like watching guys get it on, what it really comes down to is ALL THE COCK. Hooray cock!!

Sounds about right to me.
Now, we all know that I worship Sars at Tomato Nation. But she continues to rule! Look at her latest piece: Dork: The Other White Meat. She analyzes the whole concept of dork culture, and really hits the nail on the head:

It’s not the show; it’s the intensity with which the show is loved. It’s the thoroughness with which the show is known, understood, cataloged, reviewed. The how, not the what.
The same principle probably applies to Dungeons & Dragons, although I never got into that — but I did get super-into Wizardry. I would sit at the family Apple IIc for hours, a sheaf of graph-paper maps on my lap, freaking out because my mage had spent every spell but one and we’d rounded a corner on some nasty-looking orcs. Orcs! I cared about orcs! And I really did care about them, too; when one of my characters got killed, and the rest of the team had to haul him back up to the castle and pool their money to get him resuscitated, I felt genuine physical anxiety.
“Wow. You were a dork.” True. But I would argue that I wasn’t a dork because I got so invested in Wizardry. I got so invested in Wizardry because I was a dork already.

Yep. The things people label as “dorky” aren’t inherently dorky – but it’s dorks who are really really into them. Dorkiness is a state of mind, not something defined by your activities. Girls who’d go to sci-fi cons because it made them the center of attention (OMG a GIRL at a CON!) weren’t dorks. Girls (like me) who went to sci-fi cons because they loved buying cool stuff in the dealer’s room and seeing anime that wasn’t available for rent yet are dorks. It’s a matter of motivation, not activity.

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