Friday Five

The Friday Five

1. Who was your first crush?
Darth Vader. No, really.
2. Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
I’m toward the introvert end of things but not all that far from center, really. Like, if there’s a spectrum with introvert on the left and extrovert on the right, I’m probably about 20% to the left of center.
3. What is your favorite non-sexual thing you like to do with the love of your life?
Sack out watching stuff off the TiVo. Or roadtrip.
4. Name one quirky habit your partner does that either annoys you or makes you grin.
Makes me grin: he clips coupons even though combined we make an ungodly amount of money.
5. Do you believe in monogamous relationships?
They’re not for everybody but they are for me. I mean, I enjoy looking at the scenery as I pass by, but I don’t feel like hiking anywhere but my own place, thanks.

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