Friday Five – an old one

I know this Friday Five is old, but I couldn’t resist doing it anyway.

  1. How are you stereotypically female?
    Well, aside from my figure (which is very, very feminine – damn huge tits, smallish waist, big ass/hips) and long hair, I suppose my fondness for bath stuff and adoration of shopping for books counts.

  2. How are you stereotypically male?
    I don’t care a ton about my clothes, am highly geeky, am often dominant/aggressive, and I enjoy being strong and physically fit.

  3. What parts of you do you consider unclassifiable as either gender?
    Most of me, honestly. My fashion sense is pretty androgynous, as is my taste in music, art, jewelry, and food.

  4. Do you think you are primarily male, female, or neither in characteristics?
    I think I’m in the neither category, honestly. Physically, it’s painfully obvious that I’m female, but I don’t really fit in with the “girly girls” I often find surrounding me

  5. If you could be born as any gender, knowing the gender prejudices as they are now, which would you choose to be?
    This is an interesting question, and I’m not sure. I’m not the type to go for the easy route, so I think I’ll just take what I’m given. I try not to let prejudice decide my actions. Plus, I firmly believe that one’s plumbing doesn’t have a damn thing to do with one’s personality. You are who you are, and what bits you have doesn’t have any more effect on that than your hair color — which is to say, there may be some generalizations one can make but they’re mostly socially constructed (the stereotype of blondes being dumb is a TOTAL social construct, for example). There are bigger differences between women and other women than between women and men.
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