Yeah, more capsules

Sigh. Been so damn busy! I’m still reading, but not managing to actually write up the books.
26. White Night – More Dresden Files. I hadn’t read this one yet, and when I realized there were TWO paperbacks out in the series I hadn’t read, I broke down and got ’em. So fun to read new adventures!
27. Small Favor – the most recent paperback in the Dresden Files. Good stuff! More faerie adventuring, which was win.
27. What Rich People Know – This is an interesting book. It’s basically a collection of interviews with rich people, gathered by a guy who went door to door in the richest neighborhoods in the US, knocking on doors and asking people their secrets. He broke down what he learned into five basic lessons, each with its own chapter: open your eyes, luck doesn’t exist, the economics of obsession, the myth of risk, and humility. I liked it, but mostly what I got out of it is that I probably don’t have enough drive at the right things to make it rich. You have to get really, really obsessed to make a lot of money, and the things I’m obsessed with aren’t things that pay. That was a useful lesson, though — I’d rather stick to the things I love and work at an ok job to support my hobbies than try to find something I love that will pay and do it 70 hours a week. I just don’t want to be rich badly enough. And that’s ok.
28. Domino: The Book of Decorating – this is a guide to decorating put together by the staff of the now-defunct decorating magazine, Domino. I quite enjoyed it, if only for the lush, gorgeous photography. It has some good ideas, too!

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