
Man! I have been cranky lately. I’m sure my overall lack of posts other than ones about things that piss me off already indicates as much. I just don’t have a lot to say that’s positive other than the things I’m posting over at The Book Roadie. Sigh.

I’ve been doing a lot of reading lately, trying desperately to pare down my pile of Books I Am Reading. Of course, I am not doing a very good job of not starting new books, so… yeah. Not making a lot of progress.

Books I finished in the last month or so:

  • The Art of Nonconformity (FINALLY) by Chris Guillibeau. (My final verdict: meh. Some very good stuff, but some not-so-great stuff too.)
  • It Sucked and Then I Cried, by Heather Armstrong (Awesome, as I expected. My ovaries just about crawled out of my body in sheer terror while reading it, but I was expecting that.)
  • Queen of Shadows,  by Dianne Sylvan (this was a pretty damn good first book, and I can’t wait for the rest of the series!)
  • Eat Pray Love, by Elizabeth Gilbert (I liked this way more than I expected to and now am a little afraid I’m going to start subscribing to O Magazine or something.)

I’m rereading the Scott Pilgrim books for the umteenth time, mostly because I’m too tired/stressed at the moment to handle the Serious Books in my To-Read stack (Seriously, I’m reading like half a dozen nonfiction books).

Also, for the first time in I don’t know how long, I gave up on a book. The Spell of the Sensuous is everything I loathe about philosophy, and I just could not bring myself to get more than about thirty pages in. I kept yelling things at it like “That doesn’t even make any sense!” and “What the fuck?” and I decided it was bad for my blood pressure. Seriously. When I got to the part where he tried to use metaphorical speech to “prove” that synaesthesia is our natural state, I just lost my temper entirely and stopped reading. I didn’t throw the book across the room, but I was tempted. BLECK.

So. That’s about it. Have you signed up for Profitable Idealism yet? No? Why not do so through my affiliate link and help me pay for my bookbinding classes?

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