15 Days of Favorite Things: Day Eleven

10 Favorite Websites

Huh, okay.

  1. Tumblr – If you can imagine it, there is a tumblr for it. I love Tumblr.
  2. Flickr – Not so sure about this since the redesign, but am trying to hold off judgement until I get used to it.
  3. IMDb – SO USEFUL OMG. Avoid the forums, though. They are full of stupid.
  4. Wikipedia – Very helpful, provided one remembers anyone can edit wikipedia.
  5. Simply Noise – Saved my sanity when I was working in a cube. Their free noise generator plus good headphones = peace and quiet.
  6. Cute Overload – All the kittens you could ever need. Also a sanity-saver.
  7. Craigslist – I’ve bought and sold more stuff on here than I can remember.
  8. Captain Awkward – Best advice column ever.
  9. The Fluent Self – Fabulousness.
  10. Marvel: Avengers Alliance – My current favorite timewaster game.

I feel like I should include most of the blogs I read, but if I’m honest, I use feedly.com to read them via RSS aggregation, so… yeah.

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