Annotated Lyrics

This section was inspired by "Rosty Man," the first song ever to send me to an encyclopedia. I had never heard of Dan Rostenkowski, and my Dad couldn't remember who he was, so I looked him up. I soon realised that there were other references in the work of The Foremen than some people from my generation might need to look up. So here we are.

I began this section with the foolhardy hope of eventually annotating all the Foremen's songs. Five years later, as I am working on updating the site in honor of the best of album, I find that I haven't touched this section. *sigh* So: no promises. But here are the songs I've done so far, anyway.

A caricature of the original lineup, by Roy Zimmerman!

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The Fine Print:
All lyrics copyright whoever wrote 'em.
I'm not making money off this, I swear.
Besides, I'm way too broke to sue.
All I have are college loans and lots of books.