
Covid Resources

Anybody who’s talked to me for more than 10 seconds is probably aware I take COVID-19 super seriously. Yes, even in 2024 (when I’m writing this).

Here’s my list of handy resources about it:


  • r/ZeroCovidCommunity – Yes, Reddit. There are worthwhile communities there. Just stay off the front page.
  • Covid Safer PDX – A great resource for fellow Portland, OR residents. Do a search or two, there might be a similar group/resource near you.


  • Violet Blue’s Pandemic Roundup – a weekly newsletter that walks you through the latest reporting and research.
  • Violet Blue’s Covid Resources List – Excellent collection of information on keeping yourself as safe and healthy as possible.
  • A COVID + Plan – what to do if you catch it. This is a sample plan, intended to be used as a rough draft for your own personal plan. I haven’t done mine yet but will probably link it here when I do.
  • What to do If You Get COVID – article about this, useful as part of making your own plan
  • Handouts to print out for health care workers – A collection of good info, including flyers about covid, slides from an excellent covid presentation (it’s called “Covid Presentation for Therapists” but is great for everybody), and links for finding covid-aware professionals and orgs.


  • Project N95 – they aren’t a shop anymore, but they’re still a good resource for what masks are worth getting.
  • My go-to for indoor stuff is this BNX N95.
  • If I’m doing something more low-risk like getting my hair cut (which is super had to do with mask straps that go around the head) I usually use AirPop Light KN95. They’re not as reliable (harder to get a good seal, they’re KN95 and not N95) but they’ve served Nate and me well so far (knock wood)
  • Family Masks – hey have an option to order samples of various masks to see what fits you best!

Thoughts and Words

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