
Well, hell. My “BlogLinks” email folder is up to 100 messages. This goes to show that I am (a) a very lazy person or (b) a very busy person. Maybe some of both. Either way, I feel bad, so here goes.

It is now legal for people who aren’t married to have sex in Georgia. Hurrah. I can’t imagine being the poor guy who challenged his conviction and got it overturned. I give him mad props for it, though. I can’t believe there are laws like this still on the books – but there are! It’s horrifying. We live in a nation that values free speech and privacy and the rest of it, but there are states where various sexual positions and partnerships are forbidden by law. Good grief. So yeah, kudos to that poor teenager, and here’s hoping others will take up the cause. (link from Badsnake.)

And while we’re on the subject of free speech and the rest, California’s Senator Feinstein is working to prohibit ‘desecrating’ the flag. And how is she going to do this? By amending the Constitution to prohibit it. The scary thing is, with things the way they are at the moment, she just might succeed – the way the folks who got “In God We Trust” put on our currency and “under God” stuck into the pledge of allegiance during the McCarthy era did. Things like this make my blood boil.

On a more cheerful note, we Californians can vote on the State’s quarter design. For a good breakdown of the different design and their comparitive merits, check out Antwon’s California Quarter Face-off. Heh.

That’s it for now, I’m off to bed.

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