Reviving Ophelia: Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls

Man. This is a depressing book. Good, but depressing. Written in the 90s, it called out plenty of things I could remember from my own adolescence – the incredible pressures girls are under in our society, the way our culture harms them, and so on. I was glad she included numerous examples of adolescent girls who were doing well, and I was intrigued by her comparison between overly restrictive households (where the girls may be happy and feel safe but where they aren’t encouraged to grow) and overly permissive households (where the girls often run wild and harm themselves).
Good stuff. I hope she updates it for this decade.
Book 8 for 2006. Man. I’m not doing all that well with reading this year, am I? I think I may have read a couple books which I then managed to forget to note here, but I’m not sure. Grrr.

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