AUGH! I am going

Who wouldn't need a cool shower?
I am going to remove the phrase “take a cold shower” from my vocabulary. It’s a late New Year’s resolution. I can replace it with “take a lukewarm shower,” or “take a cool shower,” which has a better flow to it.
Call me a hopeless modern hedonist, but damn. Our water heater is dead, but I HAD to get clean. Mom said she used to take cold showers when she was on the geology projects with Grandpa, so how bad could it be, I thought. Ha!
I have never taken a faster shower in my LIFE. You’d think after being on the girls swim team in high school for two years I’d be used to freezing my butt off, but that was, Oh God, eight years ago.
So. Next time I’ve been thinking about Pip (or any one of my other obsessions) too much and someone says “you need a cold shower,” I will laugh hollowly.
And then I’ll go take a cool shower.
Oh, go here and take a while to download. Someone with entirely TOO much time on their hands has created a little masterpiece.

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