I admit it, I’m a

I admit it, I’m a Tolkien geek.
So. I have now seen Lord of the Rings five times, the last one while wearing a killer Saruman tshirt I got as a present. Tee hee!
I’ve also, because I’m working my way through everything Tolkein wrote about Middle Earth, gotten really good at remembering all kinds of things – like how closely Merry and Pip are related, and the names of the Hobbits between them on the family tree. And why Aragorn isn’t heir to the Throne of Gondor, just the Heir of Isildur, which isn’t quite the same thing.
In related news I had a conversation with the pal I went with (it was her second time) about Pippin. She couldn’t understand why I was into him – not because she doesn’t think he’s cute (she does, although she’s a Legolas fan), but because he’s “not the type I usually go for.”
This is true. I usually like older, brilliant, tall, and terribly clever characters (think Saruman, if he were a bit older and didn’t hang out with the Uruk-Hai so much). Pippin, on the other hand, is young, foolish, short, and not exactly the sharpest knife in the drawer. But he’s a lot of other things too! So I hereby present…

Top Ten Reasons to love Peregrin Took

In the movie, anyway

How do you say 'oh, crap' in the Common Tongue?10. He’s got a great accent.
9. Good fashion sense (or at least better than Merry’s).
8. Those green eyes!
7. He’s funny. Sometimes even on purpose.
6. He’s loyal to his friends.
5. He’s brave
4. He’s a decent fighter!
3. Takes criticism like a real Hobbit!
2. He can cry.
…and the number one reason to love Pippin…
He’s played by a guy who looks good in a kilt!


Those seeking instances of any of the above are welcome to email me for examples, which will no doubt be provided ad nauseum.

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