
Late Thursday Thumb-Twiddler:

1. How do you picture your funeral?
I generally don’t, but I do know I want a proper burial in a real graveyard with a properly spooky tombstone, dammit.

2. As a juror, you are sworn to not discuss with anyone the details of the trial you’re impaneled for. Do you (would you) anyway?
Not until after the trial finished. I might (OK, would) offer teasing hints to make my friends nuts, though. Especially if it was really a boring case.

3. Would you rather live someplace where it’s always between 80-90 degrees F both day and night, or someplace where it’s always 40-50 degrees F? (For you metric types, that’s 26-32C or 4-10C.)
Hm… probably the latter. I hate the heat.
And The Friday Five!

1. What is your biggest pet peeve? Why?
Hm… probably people who misuse apostrophes. It depresses me to think about linguistic entropy brought on by general laziness and lack of strict education.

2. What irritating habits do you have?
None, of course! … Oh, all right. I babble when I get excited. I rant about things. I straighten stuff that only I would ever think is crooked. And I find it impossible not to talk about whatever/whomever I’m obsessed with at the moment. I chew on my cuticles.

3. Have you tried to change the irritating habits or just let them be?
I try not to do them when I realize I am. Does that count? Did that even make sense?

4. What grosses you out more than anything else? Why?
Hard to say. Probably anything to do with eating things I think are nasty, because I’m a somewhat orally fixated person. (Anybody who’s seen how much time I spend chewing on things – fingernails, cuticles, hair – can attest to that)

5. What one thing can you never see yourself doing that other people do?

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