Friday Five

Yeah, I’m late. Again. D’oh. Busy day yesterday. So busy in fact that I forgot to remind a friend to tape a Hives concert on AT&T Broadband’s TV channel. How lame is that??? Hopefully she will get my belated reminder and catch it for me today. Argh.

1. What was/is your favorite subject in school? Why?
English because I was good at it and I like to read. Still do, actually.

2. Who was your favorite teacher? Why?
Hm… In middle school I was a big fan of Mr. Perryman (Algebra) and Mr. Rodenberg (History/English). In High School I became a disciple of Mr. Ribovich (Drama/AP English) and took classes from him all four years in one way or another. In college, I was a devoted follower of Professor Montag (even if he IS wrong about Dr. Frankenstein. Frankenstein is too an idiot!).

3. What is your favorite memory of school?
Hm… I don’t really have any for my time in public school. In college, though, I can remember several times walking through the quad on a gorgeous day after or on my way to class and thinking “this is what it feels like to be happy.” It was a great feeling.

4. What was your favorite recess game?

5. What did you hate most about school?
Stupid people – kids who teased or didn’t do their homework or teachers who didn’t respect their students.

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