Craving a fix…

So I realized yesterday that a big part of how strung-out and whacked I’ve felt the last couple of days is probably due to the massive amounts of caffeine I’ve been consuming.
I thought a little and realized, dude, I’ve been having the equivalent of like a six-pack of diet coke a day, sometimes more, for about a week! Yeargh!
So today I cut back. One cup of coffee with breakfast, then nothing until my glass (and just a glass – about the same amount as one can) of Diet Coke with lunch.
On the one hand, my brain is clearer… on the other, I had a mild headache until I had my DC at lunch, and I really want to go back to bed. Also, I’m having to fight the urge to go downstairs and put together my usual quart-of-diet-Coke-and-one-tray-of-ice-cubes beverage (yay for that huuuge mug Mom has that holds one quart!).
I’m such a junkie.

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