PromoGuy’s Monday Mission

1. Do you get sick very often? What illness do you find that you’ve had most frequently?
I get horrible colds once or twice a year. I’m getting better at noticing the symptoms early and heading them off with massive doses of echinacea and orange juice, though.

2. Do you mind going to see the Doctor when you get sick? Do you know anyone who just refuses to go to a Doctor when they get ill? Any idea why they are like that?
I’m quite happy to visit the doctor (I looove my health insurance) but scheduling an appointment is a nightmare because my schedule is so whack.

3. How about visiting the Dentist? Do you go get a check-up every 6 months? Or do you dread going?
Not fond of the dentist. I try to get in for a checkup every year or so, though.

4. Have you ever taken any diet pills, energy pills or energy drinks? How did they make you feel? Do you still take them? How come?
I love Dracula Energy Drink, but am nearly out of the case my aunt bought me. It’s really the only energy drink or pill or whatever I’ve tried and liked. The only problem is that I crash something fierce after it wears off unless I start chugging diet cokes or something to taper off the caffeine content of my body.

5. Have you heard about “Gastric Bypass” surgery that many celebrities are doing to loose weight? (The process reduces the size of your stomach to facilitate weight loss) What are your thoughts on this procedure? Would you ever consider it? How would you feel if a relative were to decide to undergo the procedure?
Personally, I think it’s not a good idea. There are a zillion complications that can happen and I have read in a couple of places that there are loads of doctors who perform it who don’t know what they’re doing. Personally, I’m in favor of the traditional method of losing weight: eat less and exercise more. And before anyone jumps on my ass, yes, I know how hard that is. I have been dieting off and on since eighth grade.

6. What do you think the opposite sex needs to experience to fully understand what it is like to be your gender?
*boggle* Um. I think guys would need to go through PMS, cramping, and a full-blown period for a glimpse into what it’s like to be a girl. Spending a day being reacted to like a girl wouldn’t hurt, either.

7. And to lighten things up a bit before we go…What’s the most worthless gadget, infomercial item or “looked like a bargain” item you have ever purchased or owned?
Hm……. I have no idea. There are so many options to choose from…
That’s it for now, folks, and I’ll prolly be very quiet this week, I’m working something like sixty hours between now and the weekend (assuming I actually put in my 10 hours on the MUSD contract. Aieeee.

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