A conclusion

I have come to a conclusion. I need to switch over to a blogging system that will let me write looooong posts, but only put the first paragraph or so on the main page and then let my readers click to read the rest if they want to. This will prevent clogging of the main page, and enable me to write longer pieces without fear of boring people to tears and driving them away in terror and desperation.

Unfortunately, it is apparently impossible for me to install CGI scripts myself. I don’t know why. I can follow all the directions and still not get the bloody things to work. Clearly, I need to either pony up the $40 or so for the folks over at Moveable Type to do the installation for me, or bribe a close friend to give me a hand. Hm…

The fact that Blogger is giving me unreadable error messages for no apparent reason is, of course, a completely separate issue with no bearing on my current dilemma.

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