Spring is here, Sssspring is here!

…life is skittles and life is beer
I think the loveliest time of the year is the Spring, I do.
Don’t you? ‘course you do.

-Tom Lehrer

It’s funny, when Fall rolls around, I tend to think Fall is my favorite season, but Spring is even better. Cold, but not too cold. Nice and sunny without being offensively so. Colorful but not garish.

But you know what’s best in the Spring? An Oreo Cookie Shake from Jack in the Box, still cold enough to be too thick to drink through the straw. It’s way better in Spring than in Summer.


Because I know I can consume it without throwing my internal body temperature off enough to make me start shivering, but the weather’s not hot enough to melt the shake too fast. Rock on.

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