Update on the Peacenik Tshirt Thang

The mall dropped the charges after a zillion email messages and a small group of protesters landed in their laps.

Please note the phrasing here (emphasis mine):

The decision to drop the charges did not mean mall policy pertaining to inappropriate clothing had changed, [Tim Kelley, employee of the mall’s management group] added.

I’m sorry, when did a shirt that says “Give Peace a Chance” become inappropriate clothing? I recognize that the mall is technically private property and they have the right to ban whomever they like, but I think it says a lot about the mental state of our nation when displaying an opinion different from the President’s is considered “inappropriate.”

Good grief. We were founded by revolutionaries, people! Our forefathers revolted against the lawful ruler of the land! Our Constitution protects the rights of the people to have their own opinions for that very reason.

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