I still hate computers. Sometimes.


So, as i mentioned, I’m trying to install Norton Antivirus 2003 on the computers up at the learning center. And I’ve had a bunch of trouble with one system, which today necessitated calling Symantec Tech Support.

I regaled the tech, who is a very cool guy, with the sordid tale of IE installations, virus problems, and the blood, sweat, and tears that the keyboard has had inflicted upon it.

He said I’d done everything right and we did some hunting to see what viruses, exactly, it had.

Turns out the system has four viruses, including several variants of the Klez worm, which is an anti-virus program blocker. Feh.

His final answer? We have two options:

  1. Shell out $69.95 per virus for assistance removing them. This would get rid of the problem, but likely leave Windows thoroughly damaged.
  2. Format the hard drive and start from scratch.

Looks like we’re going to go with #2. I’m going to do it myself, as this is a real learning experience.

I told my Aunt, who is a SysAdmin, that I was starting to feel like a Real Computer PersonTM, and she said, “if you get through all this, you will be!”


So there’s an upside to all this. Once I’m through it, I can stop feeling like a complete dork among computer geeks, and feel like a bit of a dork instead.

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