
Anybody who’s been reading blogs for a while has run across the “100 Things About Me” meme. I tried to do it at one point and got bogged down. But with it being my 25th birthday and all, I thought I’d give it a second shot.

Then I had the brilliant idea to do four lists of 25 things instead of one list of 100 things.


I’m Grateful For I Really Like I’ve Learned … About Myself and Life in General I Want to do in the Next 25 Years
  1. Family
  2. Friends
  3. The bf. ;-)
  4. My ability to learn
  5. That I grew up in Milpitas
  6. Aikido
  7. Folks who support me while I’m trying to get my career going
  8. Redwood trees
  9. Cats, especially mine
  10. Dogs, especially mine
  11. Motivated students
  12. Bookstores
  13. The internet!
  14. Computer software that makes my life easier
  15. People who help
  16. The First Amendment
  17. Ponies and moms who love ’em
  18. Cell phones
  19. Great authors and their books
  20. The civil rights work that’s been done… and is still being done
  21. My fantastic teachers
  22. Comics
  23. Good movies
  24. Good websites
  25. Every day. Even the bad ones.
  1. Oreo Cookie Shakes
  2. Sleeping in late
  3. Early Spring days
  4. Hanging out with friends
  5. Curling up with a good book
  6. Futzing with my websites
  7. Hiking in the
    Redwood forests

  8. Watching,
    discussing, and reviewing movies

  9. Playing the Lord of the Rings CCG
  10. Discussing Tolkien’s work with knowledgable

  11. Walking outside in Springtime
  12. Tutoring kids who really want to learn
  13. Writing
  14. Writing with the South Bay NaNoWriMo crowd
  15. Lattes – preferably with a shot of vanilla
  16. Working at my computer in my bathrobe and
    slippers in the morning.

  17. Chocolate of nearly any kind
  18. Going to science fiction conventions – the
    small, well-run ones, anyway.

  19. Candles
  20. Long, hot baths with all the frills
  21. Spending a quiet day with the bf
  22. Surfing the web aimlessly in the middle of the
    night when I know I can sleep in the next morning

  23. Finishing projects
  24. Having cleaned my room
  25. Everything in order!
  1. I prefer wearing boots to any other kind of footwear
  2. 90% of everything really is crap (thank you, Mr. Sturgeon)
  3. I love houseplants but am terrible at keeping
    them alive

  4. I really love lists
  5. I don’t like being really drunk
  6. I love being a bit tipsy
  7. I do not suffer fools gladly
  8. Even the best parties must end some time
  9. I can endure a lot of pain in a good cause
  10. I am a total Pisces
  11. Justice is better than revenge
  12. I’m far more attracted to guys because of their personalities than
    because of what they look like.
  13. Civilization is a communal fabrication

  14. I’d rather shop for books than for clothes
  15. Given the choice, I’d wear jeans and tshirts 99% of the time
  16. I love spicy food, but not too spicy
  17. I’m better with computers than I think
  18. I can find supporting evidence for nearly any literary
    interpretation and enjoy doing so
  19. I’m a bit on the anal-retentive side
  20. There’s no point in debating religion
  21. There’s very little point in debating politics, either
  22. I’d rather love and be vulnerable to hurt than cut myself off. The joy is worth the risk
  23. Philosophy is fun, but ultimately it borders on pointlessness
  24. I’m good at liking individuals but loathe people in general
  25. Change is scary, but more often than not it’s
    for the best.
  1. Learn Javascript.
  2. Find The One True Job
  3. Get my sites under control.
  4. Get truly fluent in Latin
  5. Write a novel and get it published
  6. Get a black belt in Aikido
  7. Learn to speak another language
  8. Get a motorcycle
  9. See Edward Gorey’s house
  10. Visit all 50 states, even if only briefly
  11. Be a car’s first owner
  12. Have a room in my domicile that’s just for

  13. Get my quotes collection into a database
  14. Get paid to review movies
  15. Get paid to write fiction
  16. Own a pair of knee-high boots
  17. Roadtrip across the country
  18. Stand
    on the Great Wall of China

  19. See the pyramids
  20. Overcome my fear of programming
  21. Ride an elephant
  22. Keep writing in my journal
  23. Get a hybrid engine car
  24. Get a flat tummy. Not a sixpack, just flat

  25. Find someone to spend the last 50 years of my
    life with
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