Wednesday already?

Dood. I am so off-kilter.

How did it get to be Wednesday so fast? Sheesh!

Ah, well. Yesterday was mildly amusing. Had a few students try to play tricks on me, but I was too savvy for them. Well, that and I caught one of them before he hid my mug of diet Coke. I informed him that messin’ with my diet Coke was Not A Good Idea TM, hopefully he has learned his lesson.

Not much to write about as I’m too busy looking for networking opportunities and trying to get stuff done on my umpty-bajillion jobs. Oy. Here, I’ll distract y’all with some links:

Read about some amazing April Fool’s Day pranks in the Museum of Hoaxes Top 100. (thanks, Dad!)

The Witchfondler General has some wonderfully wacky and weird stuff. Good way to kill some time. :)

I have a feeling that my various investment-minded pals might be interested in meeting this guy, who made a fortune on the stock market by travelling back in time to now and going nuts with an investment. I wonder if I could get him to handle my portfolio? Not that I have one, but still…. (thanks to Hedtke for the link. And as he said, pay attention to the source of the article, yes? :D)

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