X-Men 2 Rocks My World.

Saw X-Men 2 last night.

It rocked. Do not click below if you don’t want to take the risk of reading spoilers. OK?


I came away from this film with three deep convictions:

  1. Nightcrawler is entirely too beautiful for words.
  2. Ian McKellan kicks ass.
  3. Watching attractive people with spi ffy superpowers beat each other up is a hell of a great way to spend an evening.
  4. Did I mention Nightcrawler is gorgeous?
  5. Oh, and Peter Wingfield still rocks, but needs to work on his “American” accent.

OK, that’s five, so sue me.

Man. It was fun. It was cool. Alan Cumming totally rocked the house as Nightcrawler – schweeeet makeup, a lovely accent, and a naivete that was incredibly charming. Plus his whole “My name is Kurt Wagner, but in the Munich Circus I was known as the Amazing Nightcrawler” schtick. And his ability to teleport.

Ian McKellan totally ruled – especially in the escape sequence. It was so cool! Iron filings in the guy’s blood?? WOW!!! Brilliant. Mystique is one smart chick.

I did miss Toad, though. On the upside, the dialog was a little better than in the first, and Professor X wasn’t quite so all-powerful (although I did like the implication that he was holding plenty of info back from Wolverine).

I’m rambling, no doubt – it’s been a very long week and I’m running on about five hours’ sleep. Antwon may consider that a good night’s rest, but I sure don’t. {yawn}

Ah, well. I gotta head back to class – this is my fourth day of subbing this week, no wonder I’m exhausted.

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