Liiiiiinks! Getcher links here!

In my ongoing attempt to keep my “BlogLinks” email folder from exploding and showering my inbox with URL shrapnel, I hereby present you with some nifty links worthy of checking out.

The Guide To Taxes – another semi-obfuscated, hilarious tract from the offices of! This one’s nice and early for next year’s tax season.

There are pretty much two possibilities when it comes to your mathematical prowess: either you resolutely hate math, relegating the ability to manipulate numbers to the same level of difficulty as hunting unicorns, vacationing in Atlantis, and finding parking in downtown Rome… or you were sufficiently good at math that you got to the point where numbers took on names like “x”, hung out with a variety of squiggly-looking Greek chaps, and went door-to-door wielding integral signs to beat the holy living hell out of other numbers for their lunch money while bantering about infinite numbers of four-dimensional slices of objects? in which case you have long since lost the ability to do something as droll as simple addition and multiplication. Either way, you’re gonna need to get your hands on a calculator.

Definitely worth checking out when you’re sick of bloggish tripe and ready for some actual reading.

Unused Audio Commentary for The Lord of the Rings – this is hilarious!

After Gandalf falls, you get another view of the so-called terrorist Orcs. You know, the regrettable side of the Orcs does occasionally come out. The violence. It doesn’t help their cause when these distinct, individual Orcs take it upon themselves to lash out at the inequality of the system. But notice that even these violent Orcs don’t seem happy. They’re not pleased with themselves. It’s a violence borne of necessity.


Bush may not make Alabama’s ballot – unless he can pressure the state into changing its own rules about presidential elections. Heeeee!

Google for h4X0rs – R yuo ph33|1n6 |u(ky? (thanks, Dad!)

Web Archive – this is amazing. These guys have been archiving the web since 1996. You can search for a website by URL, and see what it used to look like. This once again proves my point that putting something up on the web is quite possibly one of the stupidist things you can do if you don’t want it to be read – even taking down the site doesn’t guarantee that the wrong people won’t find it eventually.

Awww, you can make your cellphone purr like a kitty. Just what every gal on the go needs!

Want to translate preteen chat speak into real English? Now you can!

Linux switch ad. Very funny stuff here. (Thanks, Alex!)

From The Passionate Windows Administrator to his Love – very funny stuff!

Bay Area Math Test – Dad sent me this a while ago, and I didn’t get around to linking it because I’m lame. If you live in the SF Bay Area, this may hit a bit close to home…

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