PromoGuy’s Monday Mission 3.19

This week’s Monday Mission.

1. Who are your favorite cartoon characters?
Hm… Vincent Van Whamme, “Biker Mice from Mars.” Egon, “The Real Ghostbusters.” Scar, “The Lion King.”

2. Have you yet reached the point where you feel like you are from a different generation than today’s youth?
Definitely. It’s depressing.

3. What was the first Music Video that really impressed you? What made it so amazing?
Hm… hard to say. I wasn’t allowed to watch MTV for a very long time, so I hardly ever saw music vids. I think one of the earliest was “Thriller,” which blew my mind. I loved the synchronized dancing and the zombie makeup effects. :)

4. Name a song and an era that comes to mind when you hear the word “Retro.”
Hm… I instantly think of “Heathers,” for some reason – the movie. Song? Um… not sure on that count. I didn’t really listen to music in the 80s other than my parents’ stuff.

5. How has your life been affected by HIV or AIDS?
Friends of my parents have died. Authors and artists I respected have died.

6. Yesterday in the USA, we celebrated “Mothers Day,” a day where we honor the mothers in our lives. If you were on a “special day” nominating committee, who or what would you recommend that we create a day in honor of?
Hm… geeks. I think geeks should be honored.

7. How would you feel if you lost every possession you owned? Or would it matter? How would you go on with your life?
Wow. I’m one of those people who collects like there’s no tomorrow, and I have no idea how I’d deal with losing everything. All my computer files, my CDs, my video collection, my books… {{{shudder}}}

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