Summer is FTP’ing in…

Most people can tell that summer is on its way by conventional, boring things like, say, the weather, or increased sunlight, or the preponderance of ads on TV for swimsuits, sunblock, and other beach-oriented things.

Me, I can tell summer is on its way because my Mom asks me to check over the HTML curriculum I wrote for her learning center.

Every year I have to decide: just fix it up a little, add a lesson or two, or do a complete overhaul? This year, I’m thinking it may turn out to be the latter. I’ve learned a heck of a lot since I wrote the lessons back in 1999, and I know that my students will be interested in learning it.

It’s tricky, though, to get things right. This curriculum will be used by fifth graders and high schoolers, kids who don’t speak English very well and geniuses in the honor track. How much is too much?

Sometimes I get really annoyed and think I should give up on writing my own and just find a textbook to teach out of.

However, that wouldn’t give me a nifty entry on my resume, now would it?


So here I am, once again printing the whole shebang out so I can work on it during dull moments at the learning center. Gah.

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