Friday Five

This week’s Friday Five.

1. What drinking water do you prefer — tap, bottle, purifier, etc.?
Hat home, I drink bottled water. We have a dozen or so gallon jugs and fill them from a machine at the grocery store. Very spiff.

2. What are your favorite flavor of chips?
Ooh, hard to say. I love chips, they’re a major weakness. I love Tostitos restaurant-style tortilla chips (preferably with salsa!). I am rather embarassed to admit that I like Doritos Nacho Cheese flavor (I think that’s what it’s called – comes in a red bag). I also like plain ol’ Ruffles. Also Pringles.

3. Of all the things you can cook, what dish do you like the most?
Hm… probably macaroni and cheese from scratch. I always make peas as a side dish, as they go very well together.

4. How do you have your eggs?
I don’t. Well, okay, on the rare occasions when I eat eggs, I like ’em scrambled.

5. Who was the last person who cooked you a meal? How did it turn out?
Me. I’ve been making Pizza Burritos all week long for lunch. Mmmmm. They always turn out great, although if I use too much cheese, I have to be careful that when I bite into them they don’t gout scalding cheese-and-pepperoni-grease all over me.

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