Five Questions

Yay! I got interviewed by Elkit! Here are my questions and answers. But first, the The Official Rules of the Game:

  1. If you want to participate, leave a comment saying “interview me.”
  2. I will respond by asking you five questions – each person’s will be different.
  3. You will update your journal with the answers to the questions.
  4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview others in the same post.
  5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions.

So… yeah! if you want to be interviewed, leave a comment. :)

  1. Gollum has won the recall race, and will be the governor of California. He has offered you a position in his administration. What will it be?
    Hm… probably something in Public Relations. I’m rather fond of the little guy and good with spin, so I expect he’d want me to handle PR.

  2. You get to interview a movie star for a feature article in the incredibly cool entertainment magazine whose staff you just joined. Who do you pick?
    OO! SO hard. I am terrible at this kind of question. I’d probably go for Crispin Glover, because he sounds like such an interesting person! He’s very strange, and from the other interviews I’ve read he sounds like an amazing person to talk to.

  3. What’s your favorite holiday?
    Halloween, hands down. I LOVE IT! I’m fond of making weird costumes and going to parties. I trick-or-treated well into high school.

  4. How did you get started with martial arts?
    Well, originally I took gymnastics, but when I decided that wasn’t going to do it for me (I kept spraining my wrists and just wasn’t having that much fun, even after a couple years of training) I checked out the local community center’s Karate class. That rocked, so I studied Karate for a couple of years when I was in middle school. Then the instructor left, and I decided I didn’t like the new guy and started looking around for a new martial art to study. My uncle, who’d taken Jujitsu, told me I should look into Aikido, and even came up to visit to check out local dojos with me. I fell in love with Aiki Zenshin Dojo in Fremont and started traning there in fall of 1994 or so. Been training off and on ever since.

  5. What’s the best movie you’ve seen this year? What did you like about it? (Bonus points if you tell me in a haiku.)
    Boy howdy, another hard one. Hm… if we’re just talking about movies in the theaters, I’d have to go with … hm … Pirates of the Carribean. Why?

    Jack Sparrow’s stagger,
    Spooky skeletal effects,
    Lots of silliness.

    That’s why. :D

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