Son of Five Questions

Woot! More questions! These are from Courtney, a fellow Bar Area Blogger Meetup person. All y’all in the area better show for the blogger meetup tonight!!

  1. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
    I’m trying to remember… I went through a phase in high school where I wanted to be an actress. Then I came to my senses and decided to be a writer. Mind you, that isn’t really all that much of a career choice in general, but compared to acting? Go me. ;)

  2. Do you consider yourself a cat person or a dog person? Your reasons?
    Cat person, hands down. Cats are less demanding than dogs, more aloof (which means their affection means more), and much more cuddly. Also, they’re quieter. And yes, I am familiar with Siamese cats. Trust me, cats are still quieter. MUCH quieter. (can you tell I live with a territorial dobermann and a puppy?)

  3. What is the best non-fiction book you’ve read this year?
    Hm… probably The Science of Discworld II: The Globe (Booklog entry). It’s brilliant. Covers all kinds of weird and wacky scientific stufff about our world, but does it by comparing our world to the fictional Discworld. Very cool.

  4. Do you have a particular story planned for the next NaNoWriMo yet? Care to share?
    Nope. Probably a series of interlocking short stories, but I haven’t decided what they’ll be about yet.

  5. Where is the next place you would like to travel? Would you go to see landmarks, see the great outdoors, eat the food, or just mingle with people?
    Hm… I really want to go back to the UK. I’d love to take a tour of all the lesser-known standing stone circles (I’ve seen Stonehenge and Avebury, now I want to see the other ones!). I’d also love to see more of Scotland and Wales, I loved what little I saw of both. I’d spend entirely too much time in pubs, probably.
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