1 Angry Woman, part deux

So yesterday I got called in for jury duty. It was phenomenally boring, for the most part – I didn’t get called up and interviewed at all, just had to sit and listen while 14 other people got interviewed. I actually fell asleep, that’s how boring it was. Gah.

Then, to make matters worse, the judge said that they didn’t have a jury selected yet, so everyone would have to come back! It turned out that half a dozen or so of us had what we thought were good excuses for getting out of jury duty, so we stayed to present our cases and everyone else was ordered to leave and then come back this morning.

I was the first one called in to explain why I had a “legal hardship” and should be excused. I actually had remembered a very good reason why I couldn’t serve – I have a mandatory training on Monday for my CELDT testing contract! I explained very briefly, and the judge said I was excused. Rah!

I’m actually kind of sorry I didn’t get to serve – it sounded like a fairly simple case, one that would only last a week or so. It would’ve been kinda interesting, I bet. Oh, well. Maybe next year. :)

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