Good grief.

I am listening to Fresh Air, where a priest who supports the upcoming ban on gay men entering the seminary is the guest. I give mad props to Terry Gross, who sounds a bit disturbed by what he’s saying but is not attacking him. I can hear her voice cracking a bit at times.
This man is a lunatic. Seriously. He doesn’t answer questions directly, holds a number of incredibly juvenile prejudices against gays, and is generally a schmuck. He is trying to say that gay men who are already priests should stay, but that no new gay priests should be allowed. And that 80% (80%?!?) of the gay priests accused of sexual abuse were acting out gay impulses between themselves and the boys. What, the boys wanted to be molested? And anyway, gay men are attracted to men, not boys.
Good grief.
No wonder I keep hearing the Catholic church is in a decline. I mean, I know some wonderful people who are Catholic. I’m sure there are totally awesome priests out there too. But when you have fruitcakes like this guy and the current Pope at the top, you are going to have problems. It saddens me immensely, because there is a lot of beauty in the Catholic religion and I think it would be a shame for it to disappear. Blaming the sex abuse scandal on gay priests is incredibly offensive and downright ignorant.

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