Man, I am very cynical about the internet

So, as I have whined about previously, my RSS aggregator, BlogLines, doesn’t show me friendslocked LJ posts.
That has gotten me thinking about the whole idea of a friendslocked entry. I am very much of the belief that putting anything on the internet in any form, or even on a computer connected to the internet, means it will get out to the people you would prefer not see it. Now, in some cases, that doesn’t matter – I’d be embarassed if some of the fanfic I wrote back in the day came back to haunt me, but it’s no big. But in other cases, it does matter – credit card numbers, photos of one naked, essays bitching about work, for example. Those are all things I would never put on the internet and would be hesitant to have on my computer at all.
The uproar in the past over friendslocked LJ entries being made public suggests to me that many folks who friendslock their LJ entries don’t share my philosophy. I would be very interested to hear from those of my readers who are LJers and who use friendslocking – what’s up with that? Why do you friendslock? How secure do you think it is?
(FWIW, I don’t mean this as an attack on LJers who friendslock. I’m just curious.)

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