Wooo! Also, a general update.

Now all my friends who are using LiveJournal can put my blogs in their friends list. See My LJ Profile for details. (Thanks, Jeff)
In other news, sorry I haven’t been blogging much. Between Cinequest, work (which is awesome), and trying to take care of myself (*shakes fist at fibromyalgia*) I have very little free time. On the bright side, I am still feeling good in spite of how many movies I’ve seen in the last couple weeks.
It never ceases to amaze me how counterintuitive it is for me to take care of myself. Taking long, hot baths and getting plenty of sleep are really good for my fibro, but I always feel vaguely guilty shirking other things (like Cinequest coverage) in order to do them. I know that taking care of myself keeps me from having a major flare but even so… we are so conditioned by modern society (especially here in Silicon Valley) to take pride in not taking care of ourselves that it’s very difficult for me not to feel like a slacker. I’m working on it, though.

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