
Yay Liveblogging!

So far, we have: Hans (a n00b!), David, Elkit, Rich, and me.
Elke says that Hans is the third or fourth person to suggest chocolate covered bacon to her (Antwon and I got her gummy bacon in Santa Cruz, and she is busy showing it off and talking bacon). 7:33pm: Whoa. Rich and Hans are talking very meta stuff, the business of blog and whatnot. Wow. David, Elke, and I are looking on and listening.
it looks like most of us at the table here blog about “whatever I feel like” or “things I would be emailing to all my friends.” Hehe. Poor Hans is the only problogger here.
Ooh, podcasting vs. blogging. Which is easier? faster? etc? Rich and I say that podcasting is hard to do well – vocal mannerisms are really annoying, as are placeholders (like “um” or “okay?” or whatever).
D’oh! Today is Ninja Day! I totally forgot.
David has never been to! He doesn’t know the viking kittens!!! OMG! Also, Ninja is an awesome song with a nifty vid.
Wow. Hans uses his cameraphone to keep in touch with his parents – he set up a neato thing on their computer that logs on and downloads photos for them every day. Neato.
Yay, j0nchan is here.
Elke has her ninja figurines out… and a little Madonna and Child too. Now Rich is setting ’em all up so that the Ninjas are fighting her. Ninjas vs. Jesus! Rawk.
I warned j0n about me being liveblogging: “anything witty you say could be blogged against you.” he says: “I don’t know about witty.”
Yay, Antwon is here!
Rich wants to know if I could write a technical manual about this meetup. I said, “yes, but it would suck.” Then I realized that actually, it would be really funny. Antwon says it would be like the Turing test for boredom.
Rich says he really wants the SAP button on his remote to work in reverse, so he could get subtitles on the telenovelas.
Threadless is having a sale, yay!
Rich says, keeping a house clean is a psychological thing.
We all live in the global New York, as far as Overheard in New York is concerned.
I feel bad that I can’t actually transcribe everything. We are a funny crowd.
Just what the world needs: A Yogi Berra-isms magnetic poetry set.
Antwon says: “You can lead a horse to water, but you’re a cocksucking motherfucker.”
Yay, Naked Bea Arthur got mentioned!
Rich wants us all to make end of year mixes this year. I am like, “ack” becaues I have, courtesy of Emusic, about a bajillion new songs.
Woo, Metalocalypse came up! We watched this vid. Rawk.
Antwon is envisioning a person with Thundercats tats: Snarf on one shoulder, Orko on the other. Yeah.
Isn’t it a bitch when pirates get lawyers?
Next year we’ll have talk like a pirate lawyer day! “Arr! Hereafter referred to as…”
“I bet Blackbeard never worried about joint and several liability.”
j0n appears to be bored or something – he’s doing weird camera-spinning photos. Antwon apologizes for us not being more entertaining.
“Once you get to FroggerCon, you might as well have AsteroidsCon.”
Damn. Had to go to the bathroom. I think I missed some good stuff. *sigh*
Rich says all they talked about was the commentary track for the Critereon edition of this meetup.
So if you were going to have a “Say Anything” moment and hold up a boombox to show your boss hw you really feel, what song would it be? Antwon: “Minimum Wage”? Antwon is now envisioning a Hold-a-boombox-over-your-head flashmob, but Rich says it would be more like holding an iPod in one hand and speakers in the other. Clearly the remake of “Say Anything” is going to be very different. Who would play John Cusak’s role? Clearly John Cusak’s head in a jar. So I said, “so he could just put the iPod and speakers on top of the jar, and he’d be set. There you go.” Everyone laughed. Me: “Yay, I was witty.”
Trader Joe’s -> Traitor Joe’s -> “when you’re drinking Two Buck Chuck, you’re drinking Fascism!”
We should crosspolinate all games! Mario vs. Pacman! Marvel vs. Capcom vs. Pacman! Grand Theft Pacman! Mario Grand Theft Auto! You’re carjacking Mario Carts through the street! Gangfights with dozers! Pimp out Princess Peach!
Antwon thinks all games should be infinitely adjustable for violence, so you could have Katamari Damaci where the people getting rolled up get more and more crushed. You’d have perky music, and then people saying “I can’t feel my legs!”
“No one ever lies on the Internet… It’s just Wikiality.”
Aw, Hans is leaving. I gave him my card, so I hope he can find my site. If you see this, Hi, Hans! [waves]
“Now that the n00b has left, the cabal meeting can begin!!!”
We all took pix of Elke’s powerbook since she has to give it back to work on Friday.
Feminist discussion! Rich maintains that makeup is body commodification. I disagree – I see it as a potential method of artistic expression. However, I wear makeup when I want and not when I don’t. I think guys should be allowed to wear it if they want, and women shouldn’t have to wear it if they don’t. Booyah.
Ah! Rich lumps makeup into the same corrosive body image toxic crap as high fashion. Hmmmm.
Aw, we have scared off David.
We all hate Cosmo magazine – except Elke, who says it is so silly that she doesn’t pay any attention to it.
You Had To Be There: “kd lang is: wrestling the octopus.”
Antwon says that if only the top 5% of ideas are good, someone has to fill out the bottom 95%. So now he doesn’t filter his ideas anymore. He just puts ’em all out there and lets the public decide where they fall.
“Why is Scarface on a Yellow Submarine?”
“Because it would be awesome.”
I am clearly getting lazier about this. Possibly because I am getting tired.
Elke is tired too, apparently – she is about to leave. Crap, we are losing our quorum. We’ll be down to Rich, j0n, Antwon, and me. *sigh*
Crap, Rich will be gone at our next meetup. Clearly we need to Webex the meetup.
I told Elke “Drive careful, etc.” as she was leaving, and she said, “but I’m not going to etc., I’m going home.”
Hah hah hah.
Rich is waiting for the next sequel to “Guitar Hero”: “Guitar Villain.” Or “Accordion Hero.” Hee.
“Dood! You could play Benihana with the Wii!”
Rich is leaving too. This place closes in 15 minutes anyway. Pah. He says “I am totally lost in this conversation, and I’m fifty percent of it.”
Someone’s girlfriend still owes him a birthday gift, and the consensus is that he doesn’t have to get her a Christmas gift unless she gets him a birthday gift. Hee.
OK, we are outta here.

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