NaNoWriMo: Day 6

Well, I wrote 2120 words today. Not bad. I’ll catch up eventually. At least the plot outline is pretty much done. Wooo.

Today’s excerpt:

Skeeter grabbed the chair from Joe’s desk and perched on its edge. “Homework? Man, it’s a free day for us tomorrow, we should do something cool.” He was practically vibrating with excitement, his expression even more ferrety than usual.
Nibbles nodded and plonked heavily on Chad’s bed. “Yeah, man,” he said, “you should listen to Skeeter, he has a great idea.”
Joe raised an eyebrow. “OK, what’s the deal here?”
Skeeter grinned and held out his wiry hands in a “back off” gesture. “It’s sufficiently awesome that I don’t want to spoil it by telling you all the details. Let’s call it a night out with the guys, but on steroids. This will be a night to remember!!! And if you don’t come, after hearing our stories about it for weeks to come, you will totally regret it.”
“I dunno, Marci’s coming over later…”
“Come on, man,” Nibbles said, “night out with the guys! You never do anything but hang with Marci anymore.”
“Yeah,” Skeeter said, “what happened to bros before hos? Come on, she’ll probably just drag you to another rally or something and you know you don’t really enjoy those. You’ll have fun with us. You gotta come, man. It is going to be freakin’ sweet.”

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