Too cool Just got back

Too cool
Just got back from a great day at an STC event. First, an awards brunch (not tooooo exciting, since I didn’t know anybody who got an award, but the food was good), then a killer workshop with John Hedtke called, if memory serves, “Captivity or Freelance: Making an Informed Choice.”
He was GREAT! Since I had been up at 1015 in SF until about 3am and not gotten to bed until 4am, it really says something that I not only didn’t get sleepy during the workshop, I forgot I was tired. Even though I got about 3 hours of sleep.
Very cool.
Hedtke is a riot, and a really cool guy to hang with as well. You can tell he’s cool because he’s into the work of the incredible Terry Pratchett (author of the Discworld books, in case you haven’t heard me babble about him enough yet). He and my Pop have conversed via email, so Dad introduced me and I got to chat with him a bunch before the workshop. Very cool.
OK, time to go have dinner and watch The Faculty one more time before I have to return it tomorrow. *sigh*
Maybe I should make some sound files, too. Elijah Wood saying “I’m begging you” would make a great error sound, eh?

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