Whuff. Totally exhausted today, thanks

Totally exhausted today, thanks to another short night last night – was up until something like 5am with a friend. Yeesh. Mom thinks I’m a wuss for being so tuckered out, but I like having more than 4 hours of sleep a night, thankyouverymuch. And two short nights in a row is kicking my butt.
It doesn’t help that I don’t really have anything to do today that I actually want to do. Lots of little chores, nothing all that fun (except meeting JenA for ice cream and CD-swapping, which was cool but only took up about 40 min).
OK, time to go back to pretending to work.
Oh, and before I forget: A.I. is a killer movie until about 40 min before the end, when it just gets whacked.

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