Postito Ergo Blog?

So this post of Antwon‘s got me to thinking.

(For those of you too lazy to click the link, it’s, in part about, the Bloggies and their refusal to accept as a potential nominee anything which doesn’t fit their definition of “a blog.” Their definition is: a page with dated entries that has a purpose (in whole or in part) of linking to other sites. For instance, sites that are intended to be just personal journals or site news pages are not eligible..)

Now, I’ve always considered the main purpose of a blog to be linking. The main purpose of this here blog is to share links to sites I find interesting, along with my musings/rantings about same. I also use this as a soapbox for posts like this one you’re reading right now.

But where does that leave people like Antwon? His site is based around daily, dated entries, some of which contain links. But their main function isn’t linking.

In fact, the more I think about it, the more sites like seem to be defined by what they aren’t.

They’re not:

  • blogs (according to the conventional definition)
  • journals
  • diaries
  • purely soapboxes
  • purely a humor column
  • purely anything, really.

What they are is a magnificent use of the web. Daily content, published and available essentially for free (well, potentially so. One could use Geocities or a similar annoying free host for this kind of thing). Thoughful, often well-written posts about a wide variety of things.

Where’s the award for that kind of site? I can see giving blogs awards – really good blogs are a joy to read and help synthesize the links and news they post. But defining “blog” so narrowly does leave award-worthy sites out in the cold.

If I come up with any clever solutions to this, I’ll let you know. And of course, if y’all have a clever solution, feel free to leave it in the comment box.

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