More Thoughts on Blogging

It’s becoming common knowledge, at least in media-and-technology-savvy circles, that blogs have surprising power. For example, Trent Lott’s recent downfall was due in part to bloggers. Here, of course, I use ‘bloggers’ to mean people who run sites updated daily with lots of links on a particular subject.

Blogs are becoming the sewing circles of the internet age. I cull my links in part from other blogs, passing them along to my readers to blog or not as they see fit. I also hunt links down myself and receive them via email from friends and family. Links make the rounds of blogs and email the way that factoids and gossip were once passed over back fences and via community groups.

I suppose my blog is the equivalent of the eccentric neighbor who only passes along odd tidbits of news and silly riddles and whatnot, whereas other blogs are like the old guy who reads all the newspapers and passes along political or social news.

Blogs, in their linking-oriented manifestation, are an interesting journalistic/social tool. Culling and organizing information is becoming increasingly important in this age of information saturation.

So what about them odd-site-out critters I mentioned last time? (Personally, I’m becoming rather fond of the ‘a/c‘ designation, even if it was originally conceived as a joke) They’re a horse of a different color, in my semi-informed and somewhat-humble opinion. Not journals, not blogs, they’re creativity and peculiar output for its own sake, which is a far more artistically-oriented raison d’etre than pure news synthesis or rehashing one’s private life online.

This concludes today’s navel-gazing, at least for the time being. I’m probably not gonna be posting much this weekend as I’ll be in LA killing monsters with my uncle.

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